Reflecting on 2023: The Digital Habits of Americans and Their Screen Time
February 2, 2024

In 2023, the digital landscape in America continued to evolve rapidly, driven by advancements in technology and changes in how people interact with digital media. The amount of time Americans spent on their screens reached unprecedented levels, reflecting the deep integration of digital devices into everyday life. This article delves into the specifics of where Americans allocate their digital time throughout the year, offering a comprehensive look at their screen time habits.


The year 2023 saw a significant increase in the average daily screen time for Americans, driven primarily by the ubiquitous presence of smartphones. Smartphones remained the most frequently used devices, with people spending hours each day on various activities. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, dominated a substantial portion of this time. These platforms continually evolved, introducing new features and algorithms that captured users’ attention more effectively. TikTok, in particular, saw explosive growth, with its short-form video content keeping users engaged for extended periods. The endless scroll and algorithmically curated content ensured that users remained hooked, often without realizing how much time had passed.

Streaming services also played a pivotal role in the digital lives of Americans in 2023. The pandemic-era boom in streaming continued its momentum as platforms like Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video expanded their libraries with original content and exclusive releases. Binge-watching became a common pastime, with entire series often consumed in one or two sittings. The convenience of accessing a vast array of movies and shows on-demand contributed to the increase in screen time, as viewers turned to these services for entertainment and escapism. Additionally, live streaming of sports, news, and events gained traction, merging the immediacy of traditional broadcasting with the flexibility of digital media.

Work and education also significantly contributed to screen time. The normalization of remote work and online learning, which started during the COVID-19 pandemic, persisted in 2023. Many companies continued to offer flexible work-from-home options, resulting in prolonged computer usage. Video conferencing tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet became daily fixtures, facilitating virtual meetings, classes, and webinars. This shift not only extended work hours but also blurred the boundaries between personal and professional lives, with screens becoming the central medium for productivity and collaboration.

Gaming was another major component of screen time. The gaming industry experienced remarkable growth, with a wide demographic of players engaging in various forms of gaming. Consoles, PCs, and mobile devices all saw increased usage. Popular titles such as “Fortnite,” “Call of Duty,” and “Among Us” maintained their strong user bases, while new releases attracted both casual and hardcore gamers. The social aspect of gaming, including multiplayer modes and online communities, provided a sense of connection and entertainment. Esports also gained mainstream recognition, with professional gaming tournaments drawing substantial viewership, further adding to screen time.

E-commerce and online shopping activities surged in 2023, reflecting changes in consumer behavior. The convenience of shopping from home, coupled with the ability to compare prices and read reviews, made online shopping an attractive option. Platforms like Amazon, eBay, and numerous niche retailers saw increased traffic as consumers bought everything from groceries to electronics. This shift not only saved time but also influenced screen time, as browsing and purchasing products online became a routine activity for many.

News consumption increasingly moved to digital formats as well. Traditional newspapers and television news programs saw a decline in favor of news websites, apps, and social media channels. The immediacy and accessibility of online news allowed Americans to stay updated with current events throughout the day. However, this also led to a continuous influx of information, sometimes resulting in prolonged periods spent reading and reacting to news stories. Push notifications and trending topics kept users engaged, often leading to extensive screen time dedicated to staying informed.

Health and fitness apps saw a rise in usage as people sought to maintain their well-being in a digital-first world. Wearable technology and smartphone apps that track physical activity, diet, and mental health have become integral to daily routines. These tools provided personalized insights and encouraged healthier habits, yet also contributed to screen time as users interacted with their devices to monitor progress and set goals.


In conclusion, 2023 was a year marked by substantial digital engagement across various domains of life in America. Smartphones, streaming services, work and education, gaming, e-commerce, news consumption, and health apps all played significant roles in shaping screen time habits. As technology continues to advance, the ways in which Americans spend their digital time will likely evolve further, reflecting ongoing shifts in lifestyle and societal norms. Understanding these patterns offers insights into the digital future and how it will continue to influence everyday life.