Near Death Experiences
October 9, 2024

The first one story, I can only tell it as it was told to me.  I don’t know exactly how old I was, but I was only 8 months old to a year and a half. My Dad was cleaning the garage while I was in the driveway playing in the gravel.

We lived on a river next to some old  gravel pits where gravel was mined for concrete pavement driveways. On the weekends people would go there to target shoot. Because of high banks it was a good bullet stop when you shot into the banks.  Dad had heard shooting coming from the gravel pits, but this time he heard bullets hitting tree limbs. He told me that just as he picked me up and took one step, a bullet hit right where I was sitting! My Mother told me later that she had never seen my Dad so enraged!

He got in his truck and drove to the gravel pits. When he got there, he saw that the people who were there had put their target on top of the high banks. My Dad said he informed them of what stupid idiots they were and let them know that they had been within a second of possibly killing his son, along with a few other choice words! He told them that if they ever go shooting again, they better have someone that knew how to operate a firearm safely!

This entry is the first of many to come, so stay tuned! And, always remember,  if you use firearms, Practice Safety at All Times!